【平裝版藍光】史特拉汶斯基:春天的聖殿 (2017) |
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Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du Printemps |
NT$50元 |
Krzysztof Urbanski and the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra gave inaugural concerts that made a lasting impact on audiences and critics alike. On this occasion, the Polish conductor chose to record one of the works closest to his heart, The Rite of Spring: "Stravinsky invented a new language. For me, The Rite is not a score, but a painting: on each page, I see Matisse, Gauguin, the Fauve painters ... It’s an explosion of colours, emotions, and surprises too: if you don’t know the piece, you never know what’s going to happen. It’s so suggestive that you don’t need to do all that much with the orchestra, the magic is written into the music. ... When I conduct The Rite, I don’t think: the music penetrates your backbone, it’s inside you ... It’s a ballet, and perhaps it’s because I was a dancer when I was younger that I can’t control my body when I hear and conduct this piece. It’s a mystical experience for me!". Blu-Ray includes the film of the concert given in February 2017.
Le Sacre du printemps Tableaux de la Russie paienne en deux parties Premiere partie : L?adoration de la Terre
1. Introduction 03:40 2. Les augures printaniers - Danses des adolescentes 03:23 3. Jeu du rapt 01:17 4. Rondes printanieres 03:52 5. Jeux des cites rivales 01:43 6. Cortege du Sage 00:40 7. Le Sage 00:19 8. Danse de la terre 01:12 Seconde partie : Le Sacrifice 9. Introduction 04:36 10. Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes 03:46 11. Glorification de l'elue 01:32 12. Evocation des ancetres 00:43 13. Action rituelle des ancetres 03:58 14. Danse sacrale (L'elue) 05:17 Conductor: Krzysztof Urbanski